Praying for Members of a Wedding Party
As the couple makes their way to the altar, take joy in smoothing the way with your prayers. Give a priceless gift indeed!
A newly engaged couple and their parents soon find themselves facing shifting family dynamics, wedding planning, and financial challenges and unexpected issues to troubleshoot. As they approach the big day, what better gift can we give than the gift of prayer? Not only will prayers for them be helpful, but praying for the rest of the wedding party will benefit everyone as well.
Here are a few specific ways to pray for members of the wedding party.
The Bride
Pray God will guide her and the groom in the many choices before them. Ask Him to help her value relationships and people over perfect wedding plans. Ask Him to bless her with the support system she needs during this busy and life-changing time. Pray she will love God above all and love her groom the way God intends.
The Groom
Ask God to show him how he can help with the wedding plans and also aid communication between the families. Pray God will give him wisdom as he learns to be a protector in his new family. Pray he will love God above all and his bride the way God intends.
Mother of the Bride
Pray she will follow the bride’s lead and assist in every possible way. Pray that her demeanor will set a tone of love, grace and cooperation for all involved. Ask God for strength and ability for her tasks and boldness when called to step out of her comfort zone. Pray for the emotional challenges she’s facing as her family changes.
Father of the Bride
Pray he will be a faithful prayer support, listening ear and positive attitude. Pray he will build a good relationship with the groom and have wisdom when family members seek his advice. Pray for comfort and grace in letting his little girl go.
Parents of the Groom
Pray they join in their son’s joy and offer support in whatever ways needed. Pray for guidance in planning the rehearsal dinner and for wisdom in whether they should offer more financial assistance than tradition dictates. Pray for them as they navigate the changes in their family.
Maid of Honor
Pray she will faithfully carry out her duties and truly shine in creating memories and making the bride feel special. Ask God to help her prepare a memorable toast for the reception and to bless her with the finances she needs in fulfilling her role.
Best Man
Pray he will be alert to ways he can assist the groom and also look for opportunities to draw him out in conversation regarding the changes happening in his life. Pray his toast will be memorable.
All the Attendants
Pray the presence and participation of each one will add to the joy of the wedding. Pray for safe travels and adequate finances for all their expenses.
As the couple makes their way to the altar, take joy in smoothing the way with your prayers. Give a priceless gift indeed!