Try This

Recipe: Berry Panna Cotta

Prep time: 15 minutes (plus 5 hours for refrigeration) | Cook time: 10 minutes | Serves: 6 by Kelly Minter
Food photography © Stephanie Mullins with styling by Teresa Blackburn.

A conversation is always better with a cup of coffee in hand, and a cup of coffee is undoubtedly more sublime with a person to share it with. When we take the time to cook a meal, we’re much more likely to take time to savor it with others. When we slow down long enough for our palettes to discern seasonal flavors, experiment with a new ingredient, or grow a vegetable in our garden, we learn to appreciate God’s remarkable creation and the journey it makes into our kitchens and on to our plates.


1 cup whole milk

1 package unflavored gelatin

3 cups whipping cream

¼ cup honey

1 ½ tablespoons sugar

Salt, pinch

3 cups strawberries, washed and cut into thirds

2 tablespoons sugar


  1. Pour milk into a heavy saucepan. Sprinkle gelatin over top and let stand for 6 minutes. Over medium heat warm the saucepan until gelatin is dissolved, but do not allow the milk to boil, about 4-5 minutes.
  2. Add the whipping cream, honey, sugar and salt and stir until sugar dissolves. 
  3. Remove from heat and divide the cream into 6 dessert glasses. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set, about 5 hours. 
  4. In a medium bowl, mix the strawberries with 2 tablespoons of sugar and set aside. 
  5. When ready to serve, put 2 tablespoons of strawberries on top of each dessert. 

Excerpted with permission from “A Place at the Table” by Kelly Minter. Copyright 2019, B&H Publishing Group.

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